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Intel, Texas Instruments and Broadcom Q3 financial test furnace, product shortage is still affecting factors

Feb 02 73
Up to now, ICM and other international chip products have released the third quarter of financial test guidelines. Among them, Broadcom performance is best, but it is still subjected to product out-of-stock interference, and grows weak.

Intel expects the company to reach $ 18.2 billion, although it is slightly above analysts expected 1.6%, but the gross profit margin is reduced to 55%, and the season is reduced by 4.2 percentage points. .

Despite Intel Microhard this year's annual camp to $ 73.5 billion, an increase of approximately 1.4%, but it is reduced by 5.6% compared with US $ 77.9 billion in 2020.

Taiwanese Economic Daily pointed out that Intel performance decline, mainly from the pressure of competitors such as AMD. To regain the performance growth engine, Intel is actively expanding the foundry business and does not exclude mergers.

In contrast, the global simulation chip faucet Texas Instrument (TI) third quarterly financial measurement estimates, this quarterly revenue will be between $ 4.4 billion to $ 476 billion, which is the same as the 2nd quarter, meaning that this The seasonal performance is negative or negative will depend on the product portfolio of the shipping.

However, TI Vice President Dave PAHL said, "After the unusual growth experience, the future demand can continue to predict, and the periodic model in the third quarter of the past season may not apply to the current phase." From this caused external worries.

Taiwanese media pointed out that TI products are out of stock, and now the production capacity utilization rate of the factory has been produced. Until the end of the year, the growth space will be limited. The market is full of variables under the repetitive order and epidemic interference caused by the shortage effect.

Broadcom estimates of severe out of stock, the third quarter camp is 6.75 billion US dollars, which is more than 2.1% from the previous quarter, called the two financial tests, but in the peak season, the growth rate is relatively limited, mainly Limited restrictions.