Due to the skyrocket of capacitance, the maximum increase in the history of electronic parts of the Japanese factory, where the shipments of Europe and the United States have increased by more than 90%, and the Chinese market has grown up to 20%.
Japan Electronic Information Technology Industry Association (Jeita) announced statistics on July 30, due to the sharp demand from Europe and the United States, driven May 2002, Japan Electronic Parts Factory Global shipments increased by 39.4% to 325 billion days over the same month last year. Yuan, in the 9th consecutive month, the monthly outgoing amount exceeded the 9th consecutive month, and the increase in Jeita official website has the largest in the history of 2014.
In terms of regional conditions, all regional shipments are growing. Among them, the shipments of electronic parts in Japan in Japan have grown from 33.4% to 66.5 billion yen from the same month last year; the contrast of US containence is 94.2% to 32.6 billion yen; the shipping volume of Europe is 97.3 % To 32.9 billion yen; electronic machine assembly plants such as smart phones increased by 20.4% to 241 million yen; 46.9% to 68.7 billion yen in other regions of Asia.
As far as main items, the capacitor shipments in May increased by 40% to 17.1 billion yen over the same month last year, and the monthly decline in the first 12th month, and the monthly out of the year was 100 billion yen. Daguan, Create Jeita official website has information on comparison to compare the last high record (only below March and April 2021, the two month shipments are $ 1,238 billion).
The connector shipments increased by 46% to 45.7 billion yen, showing growth in the 9th consecutive month; the amount of resistance growth was 41% to 14.3 billion yen; transformer shipments increased by 28% to 3.4 billion yen; inductance The shipments have a growth of 50% to 23.8 billion yen.
Switch (Switch) component containing a touch panel increased by 39% to 28.2 billion yen; Actuator, which is used in smartphone camera, anti-hand shock, increased by 43% to 19.3 billion Yen; RF (RF) parts, including TV tuner, filter and wireless module, 18% to 24.2 billion yen.
The demand for capacitance is skyrocketing, the largest increase in the shipments of the Japanese electronic parts