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Semiconductor companies lack chips, lack of personnel, or push parts and materials prices

Feb 02 71
According to TechRadar, an industry survey shows that there is no mitigation of the shortage of semiconductor shortage, and it is expected to continue until the second half of 2022.

According to the report released by the IPC, only 10% of the enterprise accepting the survey, the company said that its supplier's inventory is increasing, about five-fifth companies are difficult to find the skilled personnel needed to increase production, and more than half of the interview Corporate is extremely difficult.

According to the report, the future of the next six months is expected to change, about 65% of companies expect labor costs to rise, only 23% of companies are expected to improve the difficulty of recruiters.

ARS TECHNICA pointed out, 90% of respondents found that their material costs rose in recent months, cutting the profits of heavyweight companies in different industries, including the 2021 automotive industry expected approximately 2100 Billion dollars' income loss.

In addition, it is difficult to find a skilled worker, which will push the salary of workers, or to some extent to a higher parts and materials prices.

In the report, nearly half of the respondents said that labor is being further trained to fill the gap, and nearly half of the respondents said that they are raising salary and trying to attract more people. All of this is just to meet existing needs.