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Toshiba gives NAND a serial interface for NOR replacement

Feb 02 65

The advantage of the serial interface is that  the devices can be controlled with just 6-pins, and this means they can be used as low-pin count SLC NAND flash memory.

SLC NAND flash memory is now being used as  a higher capacity alternative to NOR flash memory in some embedded applications with memory hungry boot programs and data logs.

There is an embedded error correction code) with bit flip count report function.

The SPI-compatible Serial Interface NAND are available in three densities – 1Gbit, 2Gbit and 4Gbit.

Samples are available and production is scheduled to begin with the 1Gbit products in December 2015.

The memory devcies are available in WSON package size is 6.0mm×8.0mm and the SOP package size is 10.3mm×7.5mm.

Products in the BGA 3 package are also under development, with sample shipments scheduled for the first quarter (Jan.-Mar.) of 2016.

The packages and the pin assignments are compatible with common serial flash memories.