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Apple is the former chief chip designer of ARM, or expand its own chip development!

Feb 02 75
Apple recently hired ARM's chief chip architect MikeFilippo to be the key engineer for Apple's development of the Mac processor. The industry expects that Apple's own A-series processor performance will be greatly improved.

According to Mike Philippo's profile on LinkedIn, he has worked at ARM for 10 years and served as the chief CPU architect and chief system architect for ARM. Before joining ARM, he also worked for AMD and Intel for a while. Apple hired Mike Philippo to join the Texas chip architecture team in May this year, and ARM has confirmed that the analyst is now resigned.

According to foreign media reports, for Apple, this technical talent may help fill the vacancies left after the departure of Gerard Williams III earlier this year. Williams is the chief designer of Apple's iPhone and iPad chips. Apple's line of chips uses ARM technology to power its mobile devices. However, Apple's laptops have purchased Intel's processors, which has been around for 20 years.

Apple started a program a few years ago to replace Intel chips in notebooks with ASIC-based processors in 2020. Philippo's experience with more advanced chips such as servers will help achieve this goal.

For Apple, expanding the development of its own chips will not only significantly reduce the cost of parts procurement, but also master the pace of development, so that each year's newly upgraded consumer electronics devices are equipped with the latest technology chips and processors.