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Peregrine Semiconductor celebrates 30th anniversary with name change

Feb 02 85

Peregrine Semiconductor now pSemiOn the occasion of its 30th anniversary and the shipment of its four billionth chip, Peregrine Semiconductor has changed its name to pSemi. The Murata company has announced that it will broaden its scope and portfolio to include power management, connected sensors, optical transceivers, antenna tuning and RF front end products.

“We’ve challenged the pSemi team to broaden their scope, increase their intellectual property (IP) portfolio and grow on a global scale to support more semiconductor innovations,” says Norio Nakajima, senior executive vice president, module business unit at Murata. “As a Murata company, pSemi will leverage the breadth of Murata’s manufacturing and technology leadership, while maintaining a level of autonomy that accelerates its path to semiconductor integration. pSemi will serve as the hub for Murata’s semiconductor activities, and we are investing in its aggressive growth strategy to fuel our move into more advanced and intelligent modules.”

This year also sees the four billionth chip, shipped in an order to Samsung and the anniversary of the research paper that was the foundation of the UltraCMOS technology, in 1988.