Japan’s export restrictions on South Korea have been issued for 19 days. The Ministry of Science, Technology, and Information Technology (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Science and Technology) is in full swing to prepare technology and raw material localization policies. According to the Korean media “Herald Economy”, the Korean government will publish in the near future. Related countermeasures.
As the Japanese government restricted some raw materials and parts exports to South Korea, the Korean semiconductor and display industries were frustrated. It is widely believed that South Korea must speed up the localization of raw materials and parts. "Herald Economy" pointed out that in response to Japan's restrictions on export measures, the Ministry of Science and Technology is planning a localization research and development program for raw material production and chemical engineering.
The report pointed out that relevant persons from the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Science and Technology said that the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Industry are discussing the localization R&D (research and development) response plan, and the Ministry of Industry will publish a localization development plan soon.
The localization plan is largely divided into two phases. The first phase will set the relevant research and development plan for the urgent needs of enterprises, and the second phase will set the medium and long-term research and development plan with the goal of self-supporting raw materials.
In order to complete the first phase of the plan, the Ministry of Science and Technology has recently issued a document requesting 10 government research institutions under the National Science and Technology Research Institute (NST) to submit relevant countermeasures. At present, the research institute has set up a project team to discuss the strategy of localization of technology and materials. A research institution pointed out that due to the special development of raw materials, the medium and long-term R&D investment plan was also submitted last week.
The Korea Research Consortium (NRF) also conducts a demand survey for this purpose, and the results will be used for the project plan for August next year. In general, government research projects take about 4 to 6 years and support research costs of around 2 billion won. A research consortium said that with Japan's tightening of export restrictions, South Korea needs to protect its original technology. The future research consortium will study the domestic and international industry conditions and review the R&D industry with original technology as its direction.
In order to ensure Korea's high dependence on raw materials, the Ministry of Science and Technology will integrate proposals from various sectors and formulate research and development plans.
In response to Japanese export restrictions, the Korean government will push for localization policies.