It is based around a programmable logic chip that includes a 150MHz ARM Cortex-M4 core and a 100MHz Cortex-M0+ core.
“Active power can be as low as 22µA/MHz on the Cortex-M4 and 15µA/MHz on the Cortex-M0+ cores, and dynamic voltage and frequency scaling ensures energy efficiency as the load varies,” said RS Components, which is stocking the kit, called PSoC 6 BLE Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-062-BLE).
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Most importantly for responsible IoT use, a hardware-based trusted execution environment is included, which does not require external memory or a secure element. It supports secure boot, secure data storage, and cryptographic algorithms.
The Cortex cores are in a PSoC 63 chip on the board, and also there is: Bluetooth 5, 512Mbit quad-SPI NOR flash and a USB Type-C controller with power delivery.
The programmable elements on the PSoC 63 allow users to create software-defined peripherals and custom analogue front-ends.
Capacitive-sensing buttons, sliders and proximity sensor based on Cypress’ CapSense technology are included (on the board, not the display).
A 2.7-inch E-ink display add-on board (CY8CKIT-028-EPD) comes with the kit, and plugs into Arduino UNO v3 style shield headers on the main board – the headers also allow other Arduino shields (expansion boards) to be used. E Ink displays are suited to low-power IoT applications because they consume no power while displaying, only needing power if what is to be displayed has to be changed.
Power options for the development board include support for a rechargeable LiPo battery and a supercapacitor that can be used as back-up power.
“The PSoC 6 BLE Pioneer Kit contains everything users need to get their applications up and running, including essential software,” said RS. “There is a comprehensive SDK [software development kit] containing header files, start-up code and integrated middleware, called the Peripheral Driver Library. The PDL helps take control of the peripherals of PSoC 6 MCUs.”