According to Reuters, Sony announced on Thursday that it has developed the world's first image sensor integrated with artificial intelligence (AI) processors. To reduce its dependence on the saturated smartphone market, Sony has been working to make image sensors smarter to broaden the application scenarios.
Sony stated that the AI-capable image sensor will be used in retail and industrial applications to extract and process data without sending it to the cloud or elsewhere, reducing data transmission delay and reducing energy consumption And communication costs.
It is understood that thanks to the continuous attention of mobile phone manufacturers on camera functions, about 90% of Sony's chip business revenue comes from image sensors used in smartphone cameras.
However, on Wednesday, Sony stated that the profitability of the company ’s sensor business may deteriorate this year as the COVID-19 virus outbreak casts a shadow on the prospect of the saturated smartphone market. Despite the uncertainty in the market, Sony still plans to increase its sensing solutions business's share of the chip business from 4% to 30% by 2026.
Reduced dependence on mobile phone market, Sony developed AI image sensor